

Chemists see first building blocks to life on Earth

May 13th, 2009



但 DNA 太過複雜,以致於難以在傾刻間冒出,而思索途徑之一表示,它的單股表親,核醣核酸(RNA)應當率先出場。

RNA 在製造蛋白質,以及病毒中,扮演了一種關鍵角色,它被用來儲存遺傳編碼。

它在化學上類似 DNA 不過在結構上更加簡單與強韌,也因此看起來是地球上第一個資訊編碼核酸的優良候選者。

雖然它這麼有魅力,但這種「RNA 優先(RNA first)」理論卻遇到了實際問題。

按照傳統思想,其三種成份 -- 鹼基、核醣與磷酸鹽 -- 得各自形成,且接著結合以形成這種分子。

不過批評者表示,RNA,雖然比 DNA 簡單一點兒,但它仍是一種複雜的分子,而且無法自發性的組裝。


不過由 Manchester 大學化學家發表在英國期刊 Nature 的一篇文章中,提出一種不一樣的解釋。

該團隊,由 John Sutherland 教授所領導,大膽提出,一種如 RNA 般的合成物,因一連串化學反應以及一種重要的中間物基質而發生。

他們的實驗室模型使用據信曾在早期地球上出現過的起始材料與環境狀態,而且那些也用於標準的「RNA 優先」情節中。

他們的理論始於一種簡單的糖,稱為乙醇醛(glycolaldehyde,羥乙醛),那與氨基氰(cyanmide,單氰胺,一種氰化物與氨的化合物)以及磷酸鹽(phosphate)反應以產生一種中間化合物,稱為 2-氨基噻唑(2-aminooxazole,2-氨基噁餓唑)。

來自於太陽的溫和加溫與夜晚的冷卻,幫助純化 2-aminooxazole,將它轉變成一種豐富的先驅者,貢獻了這種新核醣核苷酸(ribonucleotide)分子的糖與鹼基部份。


在一篇同樣由 Nature 出版的評論中,美國分子生物學家 Jack Szostak 承認,這項研究對於「為何糖與鹼基在形成這種新分子之前不必各自形成」而言,是一種優雅的解釋。

就這項研究的化學過程導致地球上出現生命而論,"它將矗立多年,成為益生質(prebiotic)化學中的偉大進展之一," 他充滿熱情地表示。


有人估計,基於在澳洲發現的、已成為化石的菌叢,那發生在大約 38 億年前,大約在這個行星形成後約 7 億年。

※ 人類看起來很渺小。相關報導:

* Synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribonucleotides in prebiotically plausible conditions
Matthew W. Powner, Beatrice Gerland & John D. Sutherland
Nature 459, 239-242 (14 May 2009)
doi: 10.1038/nature08013

At some stage in the origin of life, an informational polymer must have arisen by purely chemical means. According to one version of the 'RNA world' hypothesis this polymer was RNA, but attempts to provide experimental support for this have failed. In particular, although there has been some success demonstrating that 'activated' ribonucleotides can polymerize to form RNA, it is far from obvious how such ribonucleotides could have formed from their constituent parts (ribose and nucleobases). Ribose is difficult to form selectively, and the addition of nucleobases to ribose is inefficient in the case of purines and does not occur at all in the case of the canonical pyrimidines. Here we show that activated pyrimidine ribonucleotides can be formed in a short sequence that bypasses free ribose and the nucleobases, and instead proceeds through arabinose amino-oxazoline and anhydronucleoside intermediates. The starting materials for the synthesis -- cyanamide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde and inorganic phosphate -- are plausible prebiotic feedstock molecules, and the conditions of the synthesis are consistent with potential early-Earth geochemical models. Although inorganic phosphate is only incorporated into the nucleotides at a late stage of the sequence, its presence from the start is essential as it controls three reactions in the earlier stages by acting as a general acid/base catalyst, a nucleophilic catalyst, a pH buffer and a chemical buffer. For prebiotic reaction sequences, our results highlight the importance of working with mixed chemical systems in which reactants for a particular reaction step can also control other steps.
* Origins of life: Systems chemistry on early Earth
Jack W. Szostak
Nature 459, 171-172 (14 May 2009)
doi: 10.1038/459171a
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