

Augmented Reality To Help Military Mechanics Fix Vehicles

這套由 Columbia 大學 Computer Graphics and User Interface Lab 所開發的技術叫做 Augmented Reality for Maintenance and Repair,或可翻成「擴增實境輔助維修」,或是「維修用擴增實境」簡稱 ARMAR,透過特殊的頭戴式顯示器,可輔助維修人員迅速掌握維修機器時需要使用的資訊。目前他們與美國海軍陸戰隊合作在裝甲砲塔上進行測試。

※ 相關報導:

* Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret

Steven J. Henderson, Steven Feiner
ismar, pp.135-144, 2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on
Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2009
doi: 10.1109/ISMAR.2009.5336486

We present the design, implementation, and user testing of a prototype augmented reality application to support military mechanics conducting routine maintenance tasks inside an armored vehicle turret. Our prototype uses a tracked head-worn display to augment a mechanic's natural view with text, labels, arrows, and animated sequences designed to facilitate task comprehension, location, and execution. A within-subject controlled user study examined professional military mechanics using our system to complete 18 common tasks under field conditions. These tasks included installing and removing fasteners and indicator lights, and connecting cables, all within the cramped interior of an armored personnel carrier turret. An augmented reality condition was tested against two baseline conditions: an untracked headworn display with text and graphics and a fixed flat panel display representing an improved version of the laptop-based documentation currently employed in practice. The augmented reality condition allowed mechanics to locate tasks more quickly than when using either baseline, and in some instances, resulted in less overall head movement. A qualitative survey showed mechanics found the augmented reality condition intuitive and satisfying for the tested sequence of tasks.
Light Touch 互動式投影器
新多點觸控螢幕技術 IFSR
SixthSense - Pranav Mistry
