
Legacy AFP connecting corrections for OS X Lion and latter

To turn on disabled UAMs please do the following:

1) Launch /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and do:

sudo chmod o+w /Library/Preferences

2) Then Do:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleShareClient afp_host_prefs_version -int 1

3) Restart your computer.

4) From Finder, select an AFP server, or use "Connect To…". This will cause the AFP Client to create the full preferences file

To verify preferences file:

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleShareClient afp_disabled_uams

5) Launch Terminal again and do to ENABLE ALL UAMs:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleShareClient afp_disabled_uams -array 

this simply enable "DHCAST128":

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleShareClient afp_disabled_uams -array "Cleartxt Passwrd" "MS2.0" "2-Way Randnum exchange"

Attention!! UAMs disabled by default are including:

"Cleartxt Passwrd"
"2-Way Randnum exchange"

6) Then Do:

sudo chmod o-w /Library/Preferences

7) It's batter to restart your computer again.

Note: To add a "DHCAST128" to the disable list, use

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleShareClient afp_disabled_uams -array-add "DHCAST128"

※ 參考資料:

* OS X Lion: Connecting to legacy AFP services
* 連接舊型 AFP 服務
* OS X LION AFP NAS connection error FIX
