

Scientists find quantum mechanics at work in photosynthesis

By Sean Bettam, February 3, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 一個加拿大多倫多(Toronto)大學化學家團隊在新興的量子生物學(quantum biology)領域中達成一項重要貢獻:觀察到量子力學在海藻的光合作用中起作用。

"有很多令人振奮與推敲的東西,自然界也許運用了量子力學的實作," 化學教授 Greg Scholes 表示,這一項本週發表在 Nature 上之新研究的第一作者。"我們最新的實驗證明,正常運作的生物系統有能力使用量子力學以便最佳化某種像「光合作用」那樣,對其生存不可或缺的過程。"

光合作用利用一些特殊蛋白質,稱為光收成複合體(light-harvesting complexes)來捕捉日光,並將其能量注入「天然的太陽能電池」 -- 另一種稱為反應中心(reaction centres)的蛋白質。Scholes 等人自二種不同品種的海藻中分離出光收成複合體,並在自然溫度狀態下利用一種精密的雷射實驗,稱為二維電子光譜術(two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy),來研究它們的功能。

"我們以飛秒雷射脈衝刺激這些蛋白質來模仿陽光的吸收," Scholes 解釋。"這讓我們能夠監視後續過程,包括在蛋白質裡,能量憑藉著某種計時器,在特殊分子鍵之間的運動。" 我們對於發現「長壽的量子力學狀態涉及移動能量」的明確證據,感到十分震驚。我們的結果指出,所吸收的光能立刻存在於二個地方 -- 一種量子疊加態(quantum superposition state),或同調性(coherence)-- 而這樣一種狀態位處量子力學理論的中心。

"這項與其他最近的發現因為數種理由,已引起研究者的注意," Scholes 說。"首先,那意味著在複雜的生物系統中,量子力學的或然性法則能勝過古典的動力學(kinetics)定律,即便在常溫下。能量因而可藉由 -- 違反直覺地 -- 穿越數種替代路徑,有效率地「同時」流過「天線蛋白(antenna proteins)」。那也許會引發其他可能很炫的問題,諸如,這些已發展出量子力學策略,藉此收成陽光的生物體是否獲得了某種演化上的優勢?那指出,藻類知道有關量子力學的事比人類早了近 20 億年," Scholes 表示。

※ 相關報導:

* Coherently wired light-harvesting in photosynthetic marine algae at ambient temperature

Elisabetta Collini, Cathy Y. Wong, Krystyna E. Wilk,
Paul M. G. Curmi, Paul Brumer & Gregory D. Scholes
Nature 463, 644-647 (4 February 2010)
doi: 10.1038/nature08811

Photosynthesis makes use of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into useful biomass and is vital for life on Earth. Crucial components for the photosynthetic process are antenna proteins, which absorb light and transmit the resultant excitation energy between molecules to a reaction centre. The efficiency of these electronic energy transfers has inspired much work on antenna proteins isolated from photosynthetic organisms to uncover the basic mechanisms at play. Intriguingly, recent work has documented that light-absorbing molecules in some photosynthetic proteins capture and transfer energy according to quantum-mechanical probability laws instead of classical laws at temperatures up to 180 K. This contrasts with the long-held view that long-range quantum coherence between molecules cannot be sustained in complex biological systems, even at low temperatures. Here we present two-dimensional photon echo spectroscopy measurements on two evolutionarily related light-harvesting proteins isolated from marine cryptophyte algae, which reveal exceptionally long-lasting excitation oscillations with distinct correlations and anti-correlations even at ambient temperature. These observations provide compelling evidence for quantum-coherent sharing of electronic excitation across the 5-nm-wide proteins under biologically relevant conditions, suggesting that distant molecules within the photosynthetic proteins are 'wired' together by quantum coherence for more efficient light-harvesting in cryptophyte marine algae.
振動 -- 綠螢光蛋白效率關鍵
科學家確認在藻類中濃縮 CO2 的蛋白質
