

Liquid crystals light way to better data storage

June 22, 2010

手機與電腦持續縮小中,許多公司正尋找更好的方法,將數百 GB 的資料儲存在小型、低耗電裝置中。

有種特殊類型的液晶(類似那些用在電腦顯示器與電視機的)提供了解決方案。不像那些只能將資料儲存在表面的 CD 或 DVD,雷射能在整個液晶中將資料編碼。所謂的全像儲存(holographic storage)技術,使我們有可能在微小空間中塞入更多資訊。


在一項重要進展中,東京工業大學(Tokyo Institute of Technology)的科學家利用一種稱為「錨定轉變(anchoring transition)」的液晶特性,創造出一種穩定、可重複寫入的記憶裝置。這項研究在最新一期的 Journal of Applied Physics 中敘述。


"這是第一個利用錨定轉變的可複寫記憶裝置," 竹添秀男(Hideo Takezoe)表示,他領導此研究。而且因為該裝置為雙穩態(bi-stable)-- 液晶能將其方向維持在一到二種方向上 -- 那不需要電力來維持影像,竹添補充。

※ 相關報導:

* Heat-driven and electric-field-driven bistable devices using dye-doped nematic liquid crystals
Jin Ki Kim, Khoa Van Le, Surajit Dhara, Fumito Araoka,
Ken Ishikawa, and Hideo Takezoe
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 123108 (2010)
doi: 10.1063/1.3446826

We have demonstrated memory and rewritable bistable devices based on an anchoring transition of a nematic liquid crystal on a perfluoropolymer surface. Spontaneous orientation changes between planar and homeotropic occur on cooling and heating with a large temperature hysteresis. Photo (heat) addressing is possible from homeotropic to planar using dye-doped samples. For a coumarin dye, photoaddressed images are preserved even after heating up the sample to the isotropic temperature, whereas, for a 4-dicyanomethylene-2-methyl-6-(p-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran dye the images can be erased by decreasing the temperature out of the thermal hysteresis. Orientation switching also occurs by applying an electric field with a response time of several milliseconds depending on the field strength.
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有 機、透明、多色、彈性顯示技術
ROLLED 「印出」OLED 彈性顯示器
世上第 一款量子記憶儲存裝置

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唔... 因無權限閱讀論文,故不清楚存取效率為何。還有您在詢問問題的當下若能仔細將問題思考一遍,有些問題的答案說不定已經出現了 :)