
兩雄鼠生寶寶 同性生殖有望

◆ 兩雄鼠生寶寶 同性生殖有望

中央社 2010/12/09


據今天刊載於生殖科學期刊(journal Biology of Reproduction)的研究表示,德州再生科學家成功操控雄性(XY染色體)老鼠胚胎細胞,發展出「誘發性多功能性幹細胞」(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS)細胞株。





這份研究是由美國德州大學的癌症治療中心(MD Anderson Cancer Center)研究員所執行。(譯者:中央社陳禹安)

※ 相關報導:

* Reproduction Hack Makes Mice From Two Dads

In a weird feat of biotechnological virtuosity, scientists have engineered mice with genes from two dads, and none from a mom.

* Generation of Viable Male and Female Mice from Two Fathers
Jian Min Deng, Kei Satoh, Hao Chang, Zhaoping Zhang,
M. David Stewart, Hongran Wang, Austin J. Cooney and
Richard R. Behringer
Biology of Reproduction
Published online before print December 8, 2010
doi: 10.1095/​biolreprod.110.088831

In sexual species, fertilization of oocytes produces individuals with alleles derived from both parents. Here we use pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells to combine the haploid genomes from two males to produce viable sons and daughters. Male (XY) mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (Father #1) were used to isolate subclones that had spontaneously lost the Y chromosome to become genetically female (XO). These male-derived XO stem cells were used to generate female chimeras that were bred with genetically distinct males (Father #2), yielding progeny possessing genetic information that was equally derived from both fathers. Thus, functional oocytes can be generated from male somatic cells after reprogramming and spontaneous sex reversal. These findings have novel implications for mammalian reproduction and assisted reproductive technology.
科學家證明刪除 1 個基因使哺乳類動物再生
提高癌患存活 從基因轉移+幹細胞著手
美用人類胚胎幹細胞 醫療病患
