

Physicists establish 'spooky' quantum communication

September 05, 2007

密西根州立大學的物理學家巧妙地使二個分離的原子,以一種愛因斯坦稱之為幽靈(spooky)的量子直覺(quantum intuition)通訊。

在辦到這件事的同時,研究者已朝超快速的量子運算更進一步。這項研究,很可能也是量子網際網路(quantum internet)的基石。


一篇描述這個發現的論文,刊載於 9/6 出刊的 Nature 期刊上。

"相隔很遠的二個原子之間的聯繫,很可能是一種全新量子電腦架構的基礎之一," Christopher Monroe 教授說,他是首席研究者,當他還在 U-M 時完成這項研究,不過他現在已前往馬里蘭大學。"現在,這項技術已經過證明,應當有可能將它放大到有許多互連元件的網路上,而它對於量子資訊處理來說,終將不可或缺。"

David Moehring,該論文的領導作者,當他還是 U-M 畢業生時做這項研究,表示該實驗最重要的特色在於二原子之間的距離。Moehring 畢業後現在在德國 Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics 任職。

"qubit(量子位元)在我們糾結態中的分離是最重要的特色," Moehring 說。"局部性的糾結,在過去已於離子阱(ion trap)當中的 qubit 上完成,不過某人若想要打造一個可縮放的量子電腦網路(或一個量子網際網路)時,在遠端糾結的 qubit memories(記憶體)上創造出量子糾結方案是必需的。"

在這項實驗中,研究者將二個原子當成 qubit(quantum bits),把一部份資訊儲存在它們的電子結構配置中。他們刺激每個原子,誘使電子跌入能量較低的狀態(軌道),然後在過程中放射一個光子。

這些原子,事實上是稀土元素鐿(ytterbium)的離子,有能力放射出二種波長不同的不同類型光子。由每一部傳統電腦所釋出的那一類型光子,代表者 0 或 1。然而事情在量子尺度下會變得十分怪誕,一個 qubit 可以是 0 與 1 或著同時處於那兩種狀態下,Monroe 說。科學家稱此現象為「疊加(superposition,重疊)」。更奇怪的是,科學家無法直接觀察到疊加現象,因為測量 qubit 會影響到它,並且迫使它變成 0 或 1。

糾結在一起的粒子一但被測量,它們就可以處於相同位置(position),例如,總是以 0,0 或 ,1 結束。

"當糾結的物體被測量,它們總是導致某種程度的關連,就好像讓二個硬幣出現相同結果,即便它們分的很開," Monroe 說。"愛因斯坦稱此為「鬼魅般的超距作用(spooky action-at-a-distance)」," 而這是根據他所不相信的(nonbelief)量子力學。即便糾結存在,而且也很難控制,但它卻是量子電腦的基礎。"

科學家可以設定一個 qubit 位置,並且知道其糾結夥伴也將跟著這麼做。

糾結提供了量子電路之間額外的接線(wiring),Monroe 說。而且那允許量子電腦完成傳統電腦根本辦不到的任務。例如,量子電腦能傳輸被證明是安全的加密資料。而且它們能以現今機器所辦不到的速度分解因數,使得現今絕大部份的加密技術遭到淘汰(今日大部分的加密技術都根基於人類或機器無法有效率地對大數進行因數分解)。

※ 相關報導:

* Entanglement of single-atom quantum bits at a distance

D. L. Moehring, P. Maunz, S. Olmschenk, K. C. Younge, D. N.
Matsukevich, L.-M. Duan1 & C. Monroe
Nature 449, 68-71 (6 September 2007)

Quantum information science involves the storage, manipulation and communication of information encoded in quantum systems, where the phenomena of superposition and entanglement can provide enhancements over what is possible classically. Large-scale quantum information processors require stable and addressable quantum memories, usually in the form of fixed quantum bits (qubits), and a means of transferring and entangling the quantum information between memories that may be separated by macroscopic or even geographic distances. Atomic systems are excellent quantum memories, because appropriate internal electronic states can coherently store qubits over very long timescales. Photons, on the other hand, are the natural platform for the distribution of quantum information between remote qubits, given their ability to traverse large distances with little perturbation. Recently, there has been considerable progress in coupling small samples of atomic gases through photonic channels, including the entanglement between light and atoms and the observation of entanglement signatures between remotely located atomic ensembles. In contrast to atomic ensembles, single-atom quantum memories allow the implementation of conditional quantum gates through photonic channels, a key requirement for quantum computing. Along these lines, individual atoms have been coupled to photons in cavities and trapped atoms have been linked to emitted photons in free space. Here we demonstrate the entanglement of two fixed single-atom quantum memories separated by one metre. Two remotely located trapped atomic ions each emit a single photon, and the interference and detection of these photons signals the entanglement of the atomic qubits. We characterize the entangled pair by directly measuring qubit correlations with near-perfect detection efficiency. Although this entanglement method is probabilistic, it is still in principle useful for subsequent quantum operations and scalable quantum information applications.
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