

Lactic acid found to fuel tumors

November 20, 2008

一個由 Duke 大學醫學中心與 Universite catholique de Louvain(UCL)研究者所組成的團隊發現,乳酸對腫瘤細胞而言是種重要的能源。進一步實驗後,他們發現一種新方法,使腫瘤無法傳遞乳酸,藉此摧毀最難殺死的、危險的腫瘤細胞。

"我們知道低氧(或缺氧 (hypoxic))細胞對於放射性治療會產生抗性已經超過 50 年了," 資深共同作者 Mark Dewhirst,DVM,Ph.D.說,Duke 放射腫瘤學與病理學教授。"過去 10 年來,科學家發現缺氧性細胞也更具侵略性,且難以用化學療法來治療。我們所完成的研究,為我們呈現出一種全新的方式來追逐它們。"

許多腫瘤為了活力都擁有以不同方式燃燒燃料的細胞。靠近血管的腫瘤細胞擁有充足的氧來源,且能與普通細胞一樣燃燒葡萄糖,或著乳酸(lactic acid ,lactate,乳酸鹽,譯註:下文皆稱「乳酸」)。離血管較遠的腫瘤細胞則處於缺氧狀態,並無效率地燃燒許多葡萄糖以持續運作。接著,它們產生了乳酸這種廢物。


對這些危急的缺氧性細胞而言,"那不是葡萄糖就是死亡," Pierre Sonveaux,UCL 藥理學與治療學單位的教授,以及本論文的第一作者,發表在 11/20 的 Journal of Clinical Investigation 線上版。他先前與 Duke 的 Dr. Dewhirst 合作。


"我們發現,一種肌起(muscle origin)運輸蛋白,MCT1,也出現在行呼吸作用的腫瘤細胞中," Dewhirst 說。該團隊使用 MCT1 的化學抑制劑,以及 MCT1 已經被刪除的細胞模型來認識其在乳酸傳遞中的角色。

"我們不僅證明,MCT1 很重要,我們還正式地證明,MCT1 對於斡旋乳酸攝取而言是獨一無二的," UCL 的 Olivier Feron 教授說。

組斷 MCT1 並不會殺死氧化(oxygenated)細胞,而是將它們的新陳代謝推向無效率地燃燒葡萄糖。因為氧化情況較加的細胞會使用更多葡萄糖,它們在葡萄糖抵達缺氧細胞之前就耗盡大部分的葡萄糖,而缺氧細胞在空等葡萄糖的同時已經餓死了。

"這項發現真的令人振奮," Dewhirst 說。"讓缺氧細胞挨餓致死是個全新的點子。"

即便缺氧腫瘤細胞已被視為一種治療阻力的起因達數十年,但這裡並沒有可靠的方法能殺死它們。"它們是導致腫瘤復發的細胞族群," Feron 教授說。

此新策略一種顯著的優勢為:新藥物不必大老遠從血管抵達缺氧細胞,而且它也無須進入細胞了 -- 它只需阻斷搬運乳酸的運輸蛋白即可,這種蛋白位於細胞外。"這項新發現對於藥物開發真的很重要," Sonveaux 說。

研究者也在老鼠身上證明,放射性治療再加上 MCT1 抑制,能有效殺死殘餘的腫瘤細胞 -- 那些離血管最近的。這證明是一種實在的、抗腫瘤的途徑。

※ 乳酸有可能是抗癌、抗菌的明日之星,相關報導:

* Targeting lactate-fueled respiration selectively kills hypoxic tumor cells in mice
Pierre Sonveaux, Frederique Vegran, Thies Schroeder,
Melanie C. Wergin, Julien Verrax, Zahid N. Rabbani,
Christophe J. De Saedeleer, Kelly M. Kennedy,
Caroline Diepart, Benedicte F. Jordan, Michael J. Kelley,
Bernard Gallez, Miriam L. Wahl, Olivier Feron and
Mark W. Dewhirst
J. Clin. Invest. November 20, 2008
doi: 10.1172/JCI36843.

Tumors contain oxygenated and hypoxic regions, so the tumor cell population is heterogeneous. Hypoxic tumor cells primarily use glucose for glycolytic energy production and release lactic acid, creating a lactate gradient that mirrors the oxygen gradient in the tumor. By contrast, oxygenated tumor cells have been thought to primarily use glucose for oxidative energy production. Although lactate is generally considered a waste product, we now show that it is a prominent substrate that fuels the oxidative metabolism of oxygenated tumor cells. There is therefore a symbiosis in which glycolytic and oxidative tumor cells mutually regulate their access to energy metabolites. We identified monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) as the prominent path for lactate uptake by a human cervix squamous carcinoma cell line that preferentially utilized lactate for oxidative metabolism. Inhibiting MCT1 with α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate (CHC) or siRNA in these cells induced a switch from lactate-fueled respiration to glycolysis. A similar switch from lactate-fueled respiration to glycolysis by oxygenated tumor cells in both a mouse model of lung carcinoma and xenotransplanted human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells was observed after administration of CHC. This retarded tumor growth, as the hypoxic/glycolytic tumor cells died from glucose starvation, and rendered the remaining cells sensitive to irradiation. As MCT1 was found to be expressed by an array of primary human tumors, we suggest that MCT1 inhibition has clinical antitumor potential.
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