May 4th, 2009
白血球 -- 免疫系統的「士兵」-- 如何抵達感染或受傷的地點呢?為了這麼做,它們必需敏捷地沿著血管內襯爬行 -- 緊緊抓住它以免在血流中被沖走 -- 一直尋找臨時的、以特殊黏性分子所製成的「路標」,那讓它們知道該在何處跨越血管障礙,以便抵達受損組織。
在最近一項發表於 Immunity 期刊的研究中,Ronen Alon 教授以及他的Weizmann 研究所免疫學系研究生 Ziv Shulman,展現白血球如何沿著內襯血管的內皮細胞向前移動。
目前輿論主張,免疫細胞如同尺蠖(inchworms,蠖念貨)般向前移動,不過 Alon 的新發現證明,迅速移動的白血球更像千足蟲(millipedes,譯註:即「馬陸」,是一種節肢動物)那樣。並非黏住前面與後面、折疊接著展開以便將它自己推進(譯註:像卡通裡的小蟲弓起身體,然後往前伸直,,相反的,白血球創出許多微小的、長度不超過一微米的「腳」-- 黏著點(adhesion points),富含黏性分子(名為 LFA-1),那與出現在血管表面的搭檔黏性分子結合。幾十隻這種腳在數秒內依序附著與分離 -- 讓它們能夠迅速移動且在血管側保持良好的抓「壁」力。
接下來,科學家轉向該研究所的電子顯微鏡組。由 Eugenia Klein 與 Vera Shinder 這兩位博士透過 SEM 與 TEM 所獲得的影像證明,附著在血管壁時,白血球的腳會「戳(dig)」進內皮,在其表面上往下壓。這些腳 -- 那被認為只有當細胞離開血管時才會出現 -- 用於爬行血管內襯這項事實指出,它們可能當作探針來感覺離開訊號(前面提到的「路標」)。
研究者們發現,由血流所創造的剪力(shear force)足以讓腳自己嵌入。若沒有急流中的血液用力推,白血球細胞將無法感覺離開訊號或或抵達受傷處。這些結果解釋了 Alon 先前的發現:血液的剪力對於白血球離開血管壁來說,不可或缺。目前的研究則提出,剪力導致它們的黏性分子進入高度活躍狀態。科學家們認為,這些微小的腳具有三重功能(trifunctional):用來抓握、移動以及感覺來自於受傷組織的災難訊號。
※ 相關報導:
* Lymphocyte Crawling and Transendothelial Migration Require Chemokine Triggering of High-Affinity LFA-1 Integrin
Ziv Shulman, Vera Shinder, Eugenia Klein,* Immunity - Millipede-like Lymphocyte Crawling: Feeling the Way with Filopodia
Valentin Grabovsky, Orna Yeger, Erez Geron,
Alessio Montresor, Matteo Bolomini-Vittori,
Sara W. Feigelson, Tomas Kirchhausen, Carlo Laudanna,
Guy Shakhar and Ronen Alon
Immunity, Volume 30, Issue 3, 384-396, 05 March 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2008.12.020
Endothelial chemokines are instrumental for integrin-mediated lymphocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration (TEM). By dissecting how chemokines trigger lymphocyte integrins to support shear-resistant motility on and across cytokine-stimulated endothelial barriers, we found a critical role for high-affinity (HA) LFA-1 integrin in lymphocyte crawling on activated endothelium. Endothelial-presented chemokines triggered HA-LFA-1 and adhesive filopodia at numerous submicron dots scattered underneath crawling lymphocytes. Shear forces applied toendothelial-bound lymphocytes dramatically enhanced filopodia density underneath crawling lymphocytes. A fraction of the adhesive filopodia invaded the endothelial cells prior to and during TEM and extended large subluminal leading edge containing dots of HA-LFA-1 occupied by subluminal ICAM-1. Memory Tcells generated more frequent invasive filopodia and transmigrated more rapidly than their naive counterparts. We propose that shear forces exerted on HA-LFA-1 trigger adhesive and invasive filopodia at apical endothelial surfaces and thereby promote lymphocyte crawling and probing for TEM sites.
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