June 27, 2008
由於鈍器所造成的嚴重腦部損傷傷口能因施用一種簡單的聚合物,聚乙二醇(Polyethylene glycol,PEG)而縮減 -- 一如 BioMed Central 的 Journal of Biological Engineering 所報告 -- 那將聚乙二醇與無菌的水混合後注射到血流之中。
來自於 Purdue 大學的 Andrew Koob 與 Richard Borgens 在大鼠身上完成實驗,那證明如果在頭部受傷後四小時內給予 PEG 能有效限制損害。然而,如果治療更進一步延遲二小時,這種有益的功效就會喪失。在實驗期間,大鼠因掉落的重物而受傷,接著 PEG 在 15 分、2 小時、4 小時與 6 小時之後給予。作者們接著對大鼠完成一系列行為測試以決定 PEG 療法的效力。
根據 Borgens 表示,"這些資料指出如果在受傷之後盡快給予 PEG,對於腦外傷的受害者而言也許在臨床上很有用。" 這樣的療法也許在事故現場相當可行,在這裡 PEG 能被當成靜脈注射液體中的一種成份傳遞,也因此減少了長期腦損傷。
※ PEG 能在物理上修補受損的細胞膜,相關報導:
* Behavioral recovery from traumatic brain injury after membrane reconstruction using polyethylene glycol
Andrew O Koob, Julia M Colby and Richard B Borgens* 綠色凝膠:由聚合物與蛋白製成
Journal of Biological Engineering 2008, 2:9
doi: 10.1186/1754-1611-2-9
Polyethylene glycol (PEG; 2000 MW, 30% by volume) has been shown to mechanically repair damaged cellular membranes and reduce secondary axotomy after traumatic brain and spinal cord injury (TBI and SCI respectively). This repair is achieved following spontaneous reassembly of cell membranes made possible by the action of targeted hydrophilic polymers which first seal the compromised portion of the plasmalemma, and secondarily, allow the lipidic core of the compromised membranes to resolve into each other. Here we compared PEG -treated to untreated rats using a computer-managed open-field behavioral test subsequent to a standardized brain injury...
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