

Cancer stem cells generated by cancer outgrowth

April 2nd, 2009

科學家已發現生長成球體(spheres)的老鼠皮膚細胞,即便沒有幹細胞基因的基因操縱,仍可導致具有癌症幹細胞特性的細胞產生。這種意想不到的發現,由 Cell Press 發表在 4/3 當期的 Cell Stem Cell 期刊上,提供了一種從已分化細胞產生癌症幹細胞的潛在途徑,也許最後甚至能導致更安全的 iPS 細胞(誘導式多能性幹細胞)創造策略,以用於再生性治療中。

"全固態腫瘤的正字標記之一是癌症細胞過度生長(outgrowth,贅生)成三維的結構," 資深研究作者 Dr. Douglas C. Dean 表示,來自於肯塔基州 Louisville 市,Louisville 大學健康科學中心。Dr. Dean 等人檢查異常細胞構造(cell configurations)也許觸發已分化細胞的再程式化(reprogramming,重編程),使其變成類似癌症幹細胞的細胞。

研究者觀察到,所有視網膜母細胞瘤腫瘤抑制基因(retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene,RB1)家族成員(已知對於調控細胞接觸抑制 (cell-contact inhibition),以及限制正常細胞長成三維的、如腫瘤般的結構至關緊要)的突變,導致細胞贅生成球體,那觸發類似癌症幹細胞的細胞產生。驚人的是,這種類癌症幹細胞,表現出胚胎幹細胞中所表現出來的關鍵基因,並引起已分化細胞的變種(variety)。

有趣的是,僅有一個 RB1 突變的細胞仍受到接觸抑制,但是以物理方法將其自培養皿刮離,並迫使其形成球體,它們亦展現出癌症幹細胞般的特徵。即使 RB1 基因完整無缺的細胞都能被迫形成球體,這指出再程式化並不需要 RB1 的喪失。研究者繼續證明,從球體分離出來的類癌症幹細胞,若 RB1 被擾亂,當注射到老鼠身上並分化成癌症之前的突變細胞時,會形成腫瘤。

這些使用被培養細胞的結果讓作者們假定,在動物身上,癌症幹細胞也許被當成贅生細胞的某種直接功能而產生。"就我們所知,這是已沈默之內源性胚胎幹細胞基因,能自發地在已分化細胞中再度被活化的第一個例子," Dr. Dean 說。"我們提出,當 RB1 路徑已受到抑制時,細胞接觸抑制的喪失會導致過度生長成球體般的結構,而這些狀態在癌症之前,觸發已分化細胞的再程式化為具有癌症幹細胞特性的細胞。"

※ 相關報導:

* Mouse Fibroblasts Lacking RB1 Function Form Spheres and Undergo Reprogramming to a Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype
Yongqing Liu, Brian Clem, Ewa K. Zuba-Surma,
Shahenda El-Naggar, Sucheta Telang, Alfred B. Jenson,
Yali Wang, Hui Shao, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak,
Jason Chesney and Douglas C. Dean
Cell Stem Cell, Volume 4, Issue 4, 336-347, 3 April 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2009.02.015

Activation of the RB1 pathway triggers the cell-cycle arrest that mediates cell-cell contact inhibition. Accordingly, mutation of all three RB1 family members leads to loss of contact inhibition and outgrowth offibroblasts into spheres where cell-cell contacts predominate. We present evidence that such outgrowth triggers reprogramming to generate cells with properties of cancer stem cells. Fibroblasts with only a single RB1 mutation remain contact inhibited; however, if this contact inhibition is bypassed by forcing the RB1-/- cells to form spheres in suspension, cells with properties of cancer stem cells are also generated. These cells not only form tumors in nude mice but also generate differentiated cells. We propose that contact inhibition imposed by the RB1 pathway performs an unexpected tumor suppressor function by preventing cell outgrowth into structures where cells with properties of cancer stem cells can be generated from differentiated somatic cells in advancing cancers.
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