August 6th, 2009
在這些可望使罹患甲型糖尿病(type 1 diabetes)患者製造胰島素的細胞再生的發現中,歐洲的研究者 -- 由 Juvenile 糖尿病研究基金會共同贊助 -- 證明,製造胰島素的β細胞(beta cells)能源自於胰腺中非製造胰島素的細胞。
這項研究今日發表於 Cell 期刊中,由德國 Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry 的 Patrick Collombat 以及 Gottingen 大學的 Ahmed Mansouri 領導的研究者在與比利時布魯塞爾 JDRF Center for Beta Cell Therapy in Diabetes 的研究者合作下,在老鼠身上發現透過修改胰腺之胰島(islets)中的α細胞的特定基因(Pax4)表現,能產生新的、製造胰島素的β細胞。(α細胞能產生胰高血糖素 (glucagon) 這種荷爾蒙,使低血糖恢復到正常的血糖水準。)他們也發現,產生新β細胞的α細胞源自於胰腺中的前驅細胞。這些新形成的β細胞導致更好的葡萄糖控制以及年幼糖尿病老鼠被延長的存活。
"這項研究指出再生β細胞也許是恢復甲型糖尿病中β細胞功能一種可行的的途徑," Richard Insel, M.D.,JDRF 的執行研究副總裁。"那強化了這個概念:老鼠胰腺中有前驅細胞,那在特殊情況下能產生新的β細胞。而且它指出β細胞再生療法的某些潛在細胞目標。此外,這項研究確認一種關鍵蛋白質與路徑,那能用來篩檢小分子藥物以開發針對這些細胞的β細胞再生療法。"
藉由胰腺α細胞中 Pax4 蛋白 -- 那是一種轉錄因子,能修改許多基因的表現以調控生長模式或其他關鍵細胞功能 -- 的強迫表現,研究者在老鼠身上驅使α細胞轉換成製造胰島素的β細胞。所導致的α細胞減少,觸發前驅細胞的活化與分化以替換已經轉變成β細胞的α細胞。
※ 新研究途徑、關於甲型糖尿病的介紹均略譯。相關報導:
* The Ectopic Expression of Pax4 in the Mouse Pancreas Converts Progenitor Cells into α and Subsequently β Cells
Patrick Collombat, Xiaobo Xu, Philippe Ravassard,* 研究者將某種細胞直接變成另一種細胞
Beatriz Sosa-Pineda, Sebastien Dussaud, Nils Billestrup,
Ole D. Madsen, Palle Serup, Harry Heimberg, and Ahmed Mansouri
Cell, Volume 138, Issue 3, 449-462, 7 August 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.05.035
We have previously reported that the loss of Arx and/or Pax4 gene activity leads to a shift in the fate of the different endocrine cell subtypes in the mouse pancreas, without affecting the total endocrine cell numbers. Here, we conditionally and ectopically express Pax4 using different cell-specific promoters and demonstrate that Pax4 forces endocrine precursor cells, as well as mature α cells, to adopt a β cell destiny. This results in a glucagon deficiency that provokes a compensatory and continuous glucagon+ cell neogenesis requiring the re-expression of the proendocrine gene Ngn3. However, the newly formed α cells fail to correct the hypoglucagonemia since they subsequently acquire a β cell phenotype upon Pax4 ectopic expression. Notably, this cycle of neogenesis and redifferentiation caused by ectopic expression of Pax4 in α cells is capable of restoring a functional β cell mass and curing diabetes in animals that have been chemically depleted of β cells.
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